Wednesday, 23 April 2014

"Remind her for She always has your heart."

A Godly Man will always keep Jesus first in His life and remind his woman that she is second ONLY to Jesus! Jesus is always first because He deserves our very best, our life, trust, obedience, and dedication because Jesus gave His life for us.

Then second is the woman that He is building a relationship with or his wife. She has his heart, love, thoughts, trust, commitment, respect, devotion, provision, and protection. He shares his life with her, attention, dreams, goals, plans, and all decision making. The relationship is built on sharing of two people.

She does the same, as she keeps Jesus first in her life and her man second. 

The relationship must be equal in every way, complete trust, respect, sharing, and in commitment.

These are building blocks of a lifelong relationship! If the one you love does not have this kind of commitment to Jesus and to you, it is NOT a relationship that God has chosen for your life and will NOT succeed!

NEVER date a person who doesn’t put Jesus first in their life and you second!

Make the Godly decision is building a relationship with the person God has chosen for you who puts Jesus first in their life and you second and you will find peace, contentment, and GREAT love for the rest of your life!

God bless you, Pastor Roger McCarthy

"Always love her like the first TIME"

Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,"

The promises we make to each other go both ways between a man and a woman. What we promise in the beginning is FOR LIFE! The Seas of life will throw many storms at us, the waves will get high and scary, but if we will communicate and work together in the relationship and realize that Jesus walks on top of the waves and alongside us so He can help us at any second, then we can make it together. A man and a woman working together with Jesus can resolve any issue.

True Love brings continual joy, peace, happiness, kindness, goodness, and faithfulness, and will be considerate in all adversity toward the other (longsuffering).

None of us are perfect, but…WE MUST keep our promises because they are commitments!

Many Blessings,
Pastor Roger

Sunday, 23 February 2014

5 Things Men Need To Learn About Women - by James Michael Sama

5 Things Men Need To Learn About Women

James Michael Sama / December 3, 2013

Sure, we have all met some women who seem to be more complicated than Chinese algebra. Even the famous Oscar Wilde remarked: Women are meant to be loved, not understood.

But, I do think that as men, we over-complicate women because we expect them to be just like us. It’s natural for anyone to project their own qualities onto others and become confused when they don’t fit the mold, but once we step outside of ourselves and see people as they are, and not as we are, our vision becomes clearer.

It doesn’t matter what you say, it matters how she feels.

A woman’s honesty to herself is unparalleled, because her self-esteem is rooted where it should be, in herself. You can call her beautiful or sexy or gorgeous every single day, but if she doesn’t feel it, it won’t get through to her.

You need to make her feel all of these things, and more. In fact, what you don’t say usually matters more than what you do say. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words.

You work on logic, she works on emotion.

This is not to say that women are illogical or don’t use logic in every day situations – often their thoughts and ideas are better articulated than their male counterparts. The point I’m trying to make here is that a woman’s emotions will influence her actions more than a man’s would for him.

As men, society teaches us to keep our feelings hidden, so we don’t acknowledge them as much, and therefore don’t act on them as women do.

It has always been seen as a negative for a man to be in touch with his ‘feminine side,’ but when people say this, they’re typically referring to someone who is more in touch with his own emotions. Women will naturally gravitate closer to men like this, because they feel they will be better understood.

(Hint: Women, this also means if you want your man to know how you feel about something, you need to tell him. He may not be able to read it on his own).

Women don’t compartmentalize.

Meaning, if a man has a bad day at work, he can come home, give his woman a kiss, pour himself a drink, and (usually) unwind – blocking out the stress until the next day (assuming his work doesn’t come home with him).

If a woman has a bad day, it will often affect her mood, and her interactions. This is exactly the time when men need to shut up and not tell her to ‘get over it’ or that it’s ‘not a big deal’ because these things stay fresh in her mind. Be understanding, be comforting, and she will feel better.

What women want isn’t that complicated.

It’s always a mystery what women want in a relationship…or is it?

Believe it or not, gentlemen, women are humans too. This means they crave the same things that you do, deep down, but probably won’t admit.

They want to be loved, respected, trusted, and adored. They want you to listen, at least make an attempt to understand, and help where you can. They’re not nearly as complicated as you think – so don’t make it worse than it is.

She is more afraid of rejection than you are.

I know man, trust me. I’ve been rejected probably more than the average guy. I know how much it sucks and how hard it is to put all of that risk on the table when approaching a woman.

But, a woman’s desire is to be desired. Every societal norm, whether you agree with it or not, shows her that she is to be pursued.

Are you waiting for her to make the first move? Stop.

Can you imagine the blow to self-esteem when you are the one to be desired, being made to feel undesirable?


Monday, 16 December 2013

"A Real Gentleman will apologize after a fight, even if He's not wrong."

-Seorang Pria Sejati akan meminta maaf setelah perselisihan, sekalipun dia tidak bersalah-


-Seorang Pria sejati akan tetap SETIA. Mereka tidak memiliki waktu untuk mencari wanita lain karena mereka terlalu sibuk mencari cara-cara baru untuk membahagiakan wanitanya sendiri-

Man, If a woman is responsible for your smile, please be responsible with her heart!

"Jika seorang wanita selalu berusaha membuat Anda tersenyum, sekarang giliran Anda yang bertanggung jawab atas HATI nya."