Monday, 16 December 2013

"A Real Gentleman will apologize after a fight, even if He's not wrong."

-Seorang Pria Sejati akan meminta maaf setelah perselisihan, sekalipun dia tidak bersalah-


-Seorang Pria sejati akan tetap SETIA. Mereka tidak memiliki waktu untuk mencari wanita lain karena mereka terlalu sibuk mencari cara-cara baru untuk membahagiakan wanitanya sendiri-

Man, If a woman is responsible for your smile, please be responsible with her heart!

"Jika seorang wanita selalu berusaha membuat Anda tersenyum, sekarang giliran Anda yang bertanggung jawab atas HATI nya."

Thursday, 5 December 2013

"Will the REAL man please stand up.."

Today’s culture gives many opinions when it comes to the topic of being a “real man” in today’s world. Our society likes to tell men how “real men” are to dress, act, work, walk, talk, love, and present themselves to the public. As The Church, I believe it is our duty to teach the world what a “real man” is to look like, but I believe even The Church of today has found itself spewing out opinions instead of Biblical truth.

Over the last few years I have come across a countless number or sermons where Pastors are explaining to their congregations what a “real man” is to look like. The funny thing is that every one of the messages I listened to described the perfect man in a different way.

Without going into detail of who said what, here are some quotes from different pastors around the USA.

1. “We don’t need anymore skinny-jean, cardigan wearing pastors. We need real men.”

2. “We need more men to start lifting weights and BEING MEN!” 

3. “I could care less if you work-out , just make sure you are providing for your wife financially. That’s what being a real man is all about!”

4. “We can’t claim to be men if we aren’t strong enough to protect our wives.” 

Most of the quotes contradict each other in a big way, and I believe the reason we have so many boys in today’s world because not even the Church is giving a clear example of what it means to be a real man. Don’t get me wrong, I believe all these pastors have pure motives in their descriptions of a “real man”, but I think much of it comes out of opinion rather than biblical truth. (except maybe the financial one) 

At the end of the day, I think God could care less if you work out, wear skinny-jeans, cardigans, tank-tops, button-ups, or even suits. God is more focused on the way you present your heart than the way you present your outward appearance. Why? Because the way you present your heart will always be reflected in the way you present your appearance, and that’s what truly matters. 

If I were to guess what God is looking for in a real man, I would have to say the following…

1. A man who prays. (Luke 5:16)

2. A man who reads his Bible. (Luke 4:16-30)

3. A man who loves one woman as Christ loved The Church. (Ephesians 5:25)

4. A man who isn’t afraid to proclaim his faith a midst opposition. (Joshua 1:9)

5. A man who seeks the lost, provides for the broken, and equips the found. (Matthew 28:19)

Seems pretty straightforward to me. All of these attributes are a reflection of Jesus’ innate character, and I don’t find any of those to be anything other than Biblical truth.

Gentlemen, we need to begin asking ourselves some important questions:

1. Am I a real man?

2. Do I reflect an image of Christ?

3. Do I stand firm in my faith a midst trials?

4. Do I find myself inspired to obey the calling of The Great Commission?

5. Do I treat women with respect, purity, and as Christ loved The Church?

Strength isn’t measured by how much a man can lift, but where his faith in Jesus stands a midst a seemingly impossible situation.

- Jarrid Wilson

"Stuff GUYS need to learn it comes to GIRLS"

Most gentlemen aren’t very skilled when it comes to the ways of a women. And although I don’t claim to be a relationship expert, I do have a few things I think all men need to work on.

Here is some stuff guys need to learn when it comes to girls:

1. We need to learn how to talk to you.

- Let’s face it, us guys don’t know how to talk to women. It’s not that we are idiots, but that sometimes it’s hard for us to communicate the way a woman needs. The key in learning how to talk to a girl is first listening to her. When we fail to listen, we will fail in our attempt to talk in a way that shows sincerity.

2. We need to learn how to act when we are around you.

- Sometimes we forget to turn off “guy mode.” It’s not that “guy mode” is wrong, but that it doesn’t necessarily translate well when we are with the ladies. We as men must learn how to act around women, their friends, and their family. We must learn to be kind, gentle, and engage in actions that reflect biblical direction.

3. We need to learn how to respect & honor you.

- Honor and respect are huge aspects of any relationship. Learning to honor and respect a girl is one of the major issues in today’s society and culture. Men must learn how to treat girls in a way that reflects the way Jesus loved his Church. We are called to reflect purity, honor, and respect that goes beyond limits.

4. We need to learn how to comfort you.

- Us guys like to fix stuff. And although we might be very good at it, that’s not always the answer a girl needs when she is feeling down or hurt. Sometimes, the simple act of wrapping our arms around her and praying will bring her the comfort and joy she needs to move on. Don’t think you need to fix everything. Sometimes girls just need someone who is willing to listen and be heard.

5. We need to learn how to encourage you.

- Encouragement is key. There are so many reasons for girls to feel insecure in today’s world. And although most of these reasons are false, it doesn’t mean they don’t affect girls in a mighty way. We as guys must learn how to encourage and support women in a way that lifts them up to see their worth in Christ.

By Jarrid Wilson

Sunday, 1 December 2013

"How a man loves a woman"

By Alex Clark | Guest Blogger

In the beginning, God created Man. Man lived in communion with God and was as he was created to be… until his fall. Since then Man has failed to live up to his original potential. Thankfully though, in the beginning was the Word, and the Word became Flesh.

This act, in addition to resulting in our salvation, restored the possibility for us to become True Man, such as before the fall. As Christ is truly man – man as he should be, in communion with God – and since we are to live as we had died and Christ lives in us, we too may become True Man and share in God’s divinity, since by His resurrection He assumed humanity into the Divine.

That. Is. Big.

The enormity of this point is so utterly compelling that we must, by every fiber of our being, strive to bring it to fruition. To share with the Trinity, to be in communion with the God begs our whole attention. We each must, first and foremost, seek to transform ourselves into not just an image of, but entirely Christ. As we travel down this journey, we realize that God is love. Not merely He is the love felt by humans, but rather He is love. According to St. Augustine, God the Father, who begets God the Son, live in such perfect communion that this love manifests itself as God the Holy Spirit. And He wants us to share in His love.

In addition to sharing in His love ourselves, we are to share His love to others. Firstly, our love is to overflow our cup and spill out into the word, as He wants it to. Secondly, as others are to also be Christ, when we treat them with Christ’s love, we engage in communion with God and both receive and gift His love from and to each other.

The question proposed is how men are to love women. The answer is how Christ loves the Church: He formed her, He protected her, He died for her. These three points enlighten us to the subtleties on loving women.

First and foremost, a man must see in each woman (in each human) their “I” – that is, their identity, self, person. Each is a singular person with a soul, desires and love. When we see a woman as one that God loved – and so we should love – we can desire she live a fulfilling life pleasing to God. We can try to help her with Christ’s love to attain her calling, career, help her spiritual growth, and treat her as she deserves. We can be a True Man to her True Woman.

As we are there for her, we can protect her. This is not to be taken as a chauvinistic ideology. She is capable of protecting herself. Men are to protect women as each needs from physical, emotional, spiritual, or even self-inflicted harm. However you best view this attitude (ie. fatherhood, brotherhood, friendship, protector, self-actualizer… etc.) it is up to you to act in a manner that brings each woman closer to God after interacting with you – help form them to Christ. This may mean, as an example, getting involved with her life or giving space to each as needed.

The difficulty in ascertaining the level each woman needs what further amplifies the need to become a True Man and see her “I”. We need to bring about our conversion to True Man not only because that is such an awe-inspiring possibility, but also so we can truly love another, and then protect them.

Finally, however, we are not to view our protectorate as beneath us. Greater love has no one than this: that one should lay down his life for another. Christ died for the Church so that we may have eternal life. He so valued us that He did what was necessary to atone for our sins. View women (everyone) as so important that you would do anything for their life.

These three points together help nuance a full understanding on how to treat women. However, I haven’t talked of how to love one woman. Your woman. The answer is not much different. The one you fall in love with is another means of encountering Christ. As said, we can encounter Christ in everyone’s life, and your girlfriend/fiancée/wife is a closer way to encounter Him. She is your personal Christ. Also, in the Sacrament of Marriage, we encounter Christ with the union of Man and Woman in a mirror of the union of the Father and Son. The love flowing from marriage is to be like the Holy Spirit flowing from the Father and Son.

When single, look for a woman who could express this union. When dating, ask if you see this union between you two. When married, show this love proudly to the world.

P.S. You are enough.

Are you a BOY or a MAN ?? [10 Differences Between Dating A Boy Vs. Dating A Man]

10 Differences Between Dating A Boy Vs. Dating A Man

- A man will own up to his mistakes.
- A boy will make excuses for them.

- A man will respect your purity.
- A boy will let his desires control him.

- A man will respect you no matter the circumstance.
- A boy will respect you when he wants something in return.

- A man will do whatever it takes to provide.
- A boy will make excuses as to why he can’t provide.

- A man will prepare for the future.
- A boy lives in the moment.

- A man looks to gain the respect of your family.
- A boy look to gain popularity from people around him.

- A man is firm in his beliefs.
- A boy changes his beliefs depending on the girl.

- A man has integrity.
- A boy makes promises he knows he cannot keep.

- A man will always take an opportunity to learn.
- A boy thinks he knows everything.

- A man seeks more than just beauty
- A boy seeks beauty so he can show off.

By Jarrid Wilson

Sunday, 20 October 2013

"The happiest is the man who finds that true friend in his wife."

-Bahagia adalah ketika seorang pria menemukan seorang sahabat sejati. Namun jauh lebih membahagiakan adalah seorang Pria yang menemukan bahwa sahabat sejatinya tersebut adalah pendamping hidupnya sendiri.-

"Man, forget finding the right woman, focus on being the right man!"

Seorang pria suatu kali bertanya kepada Bapa:
"Bapa, bagaimana caranya agar aku menemukan wanita yang tepat?"

Bapanya menjawab, "Lupakan cara untuk mendapatkan wanita yang tepat, tapi berfokuslah menjadi pria yang tepat."

"Man, Don't take for granted for a girl who admits that she likes you."

-Jika seorang gadis mengakui bahwa dia menyukai Anda, ketahuilah bahwa hal itu membawa setiap ons keberaniannya. Jangan sia-siakan wanita tersebut.-

"Be the man God wants for a daughter of God, the man whose character is fashioned by grace."

-Seorang Pria yang karakternya dibentuk oleh kasih karunia Allah layak menjadi pilihan para putri-putri Allah-

Thursday, 17 October 2013

"Real men never stop trying to show a girl how much she means to him, even after he's got her."

"Pria sejati tidak pernah berhenti berusaha untuk menunjukkan seorang gadis betapa ia berarti baginya, bahkan setelah dia telah memilikinya."

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

"A real man not only fights for lady's HEART but fights for her SALVATION."

-Seorang Pria sejati tidak hanya berjuang untuk memenangkan hati sang pujaan hati, namun juga berjuang untuk menyenangkan hati "PENYELAMAT' nya.- ^_^ Amen..

"A Man in Ladies' dream"

Ladies said,
 "I love a man who is ROMANTIC, PROTECT me, FORGIVE me, PRAY for me, HOLD me, LOVE me, COMFORT me, RESPECT me, SUPPORT me." 

Monday, 23 September 2013

"Men, Don't pursue woman unless you're seriously wanting to marriage her !"

-Hai para Pria, janganlah engkau mengejar seorang wanita jika engkau tidak benar-benar serius dan yakin mengingininya untuk sebuah pernikahan. Wahai para pria, janganlah engkau bertujuan dangkal untuk mencari hanya seorang 'pacar', hendaklah engkau berorientasi lebih daripada itu, yakni mencari seorang 'istri'.-

"A Grown man will work hard to make sure his baby can eat."

-Seorang Pria dewasa sangat stabil dan kuat dengan dirinya sendiri. Ia akan pergi bekerja keras untuk memastikan bahwa buah hatinya tercukupi kebutuhannya.-

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

"A Real man does more than PAY, but he PRAYS for his lady."

-Seorang Pria sejati lebih dari sekedar membayar semua tagihan sang wanita, tapi ia juga akan selalu membawa nama wanitanya di dalam DOAnya.-

"A Gentleman kisses lady's forehead."

-Seorang Pria sejati mencium kening sang wanita sebagai tanda bahwa bukan hanya ia sungguh mengasihinya namun ia juga menghormati wanitanya-

"Man, you are a LEADER, PROVIDER, and PROTECTOR for your lady."

Seorang Pria akan menjadi seorang PEMIMPIN, PEMBERI, dan PELINDUNG bagi wanitanya.

"A real man does more than open lady's door, he opens his BIBLE."

"Seorang Pria sejati lebih dari sekedar membuka pintu rumahmu,
tapi dia akan terlebih dahulu membuka KITAB SUCI nya."

"A Man's Role is to PROTECT ! "

"A real man holds, protects and cherishes a woman. He never hits or forces her." 

[Seorang pria sejati akan memeluk, melindungi, dan membahagiakan wanitanya. Ia tidak pernah memukul atau memaksanya untuk hal apapun.]

Monday, 16 September 2013

"A Real Man never makes a woman cry, because God counts her tears."

-Seorang Pria sejati tidak pernah melukai seorang wanita. Berhati-hatilah ketika Anda membuat seorang wanita menangis, karena Tuhan menghitung air matanya. Wanita diciptakan berasal dari tulang rusuk pria; bukan berasal dari kakinya untuk diinjak-injak; dan bukan berasal dari kepalanya untuk menjadi superior, tapi berasal dari sisinya untuk menjadikannya setara, di bawah lengannya untuk dilindungi, dan dekat dengan HATInya untuk dicintai.- <3

"A guy who loves Jesus always reminds his woman that only God can satisfy."

-Seorang Pria yang mencintai Yesus akan menyembah Dia bersama wanitanya. Ia akan berdoa untuk wanitanya, ia akan memimpin wanitanya dengan genggaman yang kuat, berdiri ketika wanitanya tidak mampu, tapi tetap mengingatkan wanitanya bahwa HANYA TUHAN YANG MAMPU MEMUASKANNYA bukan dirinya.-

"A Real man honors his woman and busy to bring out the best things within her."

-Seorang Pria sejati menghormati kekuatan wanitanya dan menutupi kelemahannya. Ia tidak mencari-cari kesalahan dari wanitanya karena ia terlalu sibuk menonjolkan hal terbaik dari dalam diri wanitanya.- <3

"A real man knows that he should puts God first in order to lead his lady."

-Seorang Pria sejati tidak menempatkan wanitanya di posisi pertama. Tapi seorang pria sejati  menempatkan Tuhan sebagai prioritas utamanya, karena ia tahu bahwa ia  harus mengikuti Tuhan terlebih dahulu untuk dapat memimpin wanitanya."

Sunday, 15 September 2013

"A Gentleman is a man who says nice things and his actions back those words up."

-Seorang Pria sejati bukan seorang pria yang hanya berkata banyak hal manis kepada wanita. Tapi seorang Pria sejati adalah seorang pria yang berkata manis namun tindakannya sungguh membuktikannya.-

"Men, you'll never be a good groom to your wife unless you're first a good bride to Jesus." -Timothy Keller-

"Wahai pria, engkau tidak akan pernah bisa menjadi mempelai yang baik untuk istrimu jika engkau tidak menjadi mempelai Kristus yang baik terlebih dahulu," 
-Timothy Keller-

"Real men, PRAY."

-Pria saleh yang sejati, selalu ingat untuk BERDOA.-

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord." -Jeremiah 17:7-

"Diberkatilah pria yang mengandalkan TUHAN, yang menaruh harapannya pada TUHAN!"
-Yeremia 17:7-

"Gentlemen, the cross is your strength!"

-Hai para pria, Salib Kristus adalah sumber kekuatanmu-

"A Christian Gentleman sees his life as a ministry to others"

-Seorang pria saleh melihat hidupnya sebagai pelayanan kepada orang lain-